How To Check My ICAN Financial Status

As an ICAN member or student, it is important to know your financial position at any time. This is to determine your liability to the institute and make payment accordingly.

Knowing this, the next question is “how to check ICAN financial status”. Maybe that is exactly what brought you here today. Your worries are over, as we have carefully given a step-by-step guide to check your financial status in less than a minute.

Now, let’s dive in. Shall we?

How to Check ICAN Financial Status

  1. Log on to ICAN professional portal
  2. Click the “financial status” bar
  3. Alternatively, Click here
  4. Enter your Registration number in the registration number space
  5. Input your password in the password space
  6. To access your financial status, click “log in”.
  7. See your status in PDF format. You could download it by clicking the download button.

Not to forget the ATSWA brethren. If you are in the ATWSA program want to check your ATSWA financial status, then, follow the simple guide below

ATSWA Finacial Status

  1. Log on to ATWSA portal
  2. Click the “financial status” bar
  3. Enter your Registration number and password in the appropriate fields
  4. Now, click “log in” to access your financial status.

Very simple, isn’t it?

Tell us, what is your financial standing?

Did you encounter any issues in the process of checking your ICAN financial status? Let’s hear about it in the comment section. We will be here to help you out.

Now before you go, kindly hit the share button. Remember, sharing is caring.


2 thoughts on “How To Check My ICAN Financial Status”

  1. Muhammed TenimuUmar

    Type here..I cannot access my financial status despite inputting my registration number.
    my registration number is 163275.thanks .

    1. Hello, Mr. Muhammed.

      Your inability to check your financial status is likely because of two reasons:
      1. You have a student account but don’t know the password – please contact whoever that opened the account for you.
      2. You don’t have a student account – Click “register as a new user” through this link and follow the guide again.

      Hope this helps. Cheers!

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