Small Accounting Firms In London

If you need a list of the small accounting firms in London, then you have found yourself on the right page. And regardless of why you are reading this post, It is important you know that accounting specialists are essential professionals.


But what comes to your mind when you hear accounting firms? The BIG 4? (Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, and KPMG)…


What other ones can you mention? Think about it.




Come to think of it, a majority of the local churches, schools, small businesses and so on cannot afford the services of the big accounting firms. So, who cares for their needs?


The answer is:


It is the small accounting firms and in this post, I will be sharing with you, the list of 10 small accounting firms in London.


10 Small Accounting Firms In London


Fusion Accountants: 

They are a customer-centric medium-sized firm of Chartered Accountants in London. Fusion accountants provide a range of services spanning business and tax advisory, accounting automation and standardization services. They have been around for over 30 years. At Fusion Accountants in London, each client is allotted a designated client manager who would be your finance guide. Also, they are a tech-savvy accounting firm known for making the latest accounting software available for their clients so they can be more effective in accounting-related matters. Since they have work experience in different sectors like E-commerce, logistics, and cosmetics your business stands to gain a whole lot from picking them amongst other small accounting firms in London.


Berley Small Business Accountants London: 

This is a chartered accountant firm that has been around for about 30 years. Beyond accountancy, they also offer sound business advice and are experts in helping their clients take advantage of every tax scheme that could be available to them.

If you are an entrepreneurial and risk-taking small business owner, you will need a firm like Berley’s as they are enthusiastic about working with such categories of entrepreneurs.


Haines Watts: 

They are on the list of the top 10 accounting firms. This comes as no surprise, they’ve been in business for 90 years. They tick the boxes of all needs a small business may need when it comes to financial-related matters ranging from accounting, taxation, bookkeeping, and their experience over the years offers an abysmal pool of sound business advice.


Green Oak Accountants:

Green Oak Accountants take pride in accountancy and delivery of excellent customer services for their clients whenever they come calling. They also help small businesses in being proactive with important decisions and are excellent providers of traditional accountancy services.


Price Bailey Chartered Accountants: 

They are a leading accounting firm in London. They have been able to perfect the ability to offer every accountancy service you can think of, from accounting, taxation and other financial services to providing sound consultations and planning services to their clients. They are quick to adopt changes that will make them more responsive to their client’s needs as can be seen from their approach in the adoption of the Limited Liability Partnership.


DNS Accountants: 

They have been around since 2005. Initially started as a traditional accountancy firm but they have grown to conquer the software business. Now, they have their Baileyaccounting software. Beyond accounting, they also have experience in mergers and acquisition as they have acquired businesses in the past, so if your business has plans of acquiring other businesses in the future you may want to pair up with the DNS accountants in London.


Moore Kingston Smith LLP: 

Established in 1923, they have six offices in London and are a member of the Moore Global Network. They are a top accountancy firm in the UK and are capable of rendering all financial services your small business may need. Being part of their parent international parent network also allows them to collaborate with other professionals from all over the world so they can best meet the needs of their clients.


Makesworth Accountants: 

Affordability is a key strength of Makesworth Accountants, an award-winning accountancy firm in the streets of  London. They are an experienced firm that can help small businesses in areas spanning account preparation to payroll, business advice to tax planning, corporate tax, VAT and outsourced accounting. 


Moaden Accounting Ltd:

The services rendered by this accountancy firm in the local streets of London are Day-to-Day Bookkeeping, taxation, cashflow management, and business planning. They are quite SME friendly and are passionate about ensuring their clients get value for money via their engagement.


Salient Accounting & Finance: 

They are experts in both accountancy and financial services. They assist clients, including small businesses on matters like wealth planning, filing tax returns, business advisory amidst other critical issues that could make or mar businesses.


5 Factors To Consider When Choosing Small Accounting Firm In London


  1. Reputation: ask from other businesses in your industry what their perception of the reputation of your desired small accounting firm is.
  2. Consider your budget against their terms of payment: Unless the accounting firm will result in an influx of revenue to your business, it is not worth breaking the bank while choosing your desired small accounting firm in London. Keeping your business alive ranks first before any other thing.
  3. Tech savviness: we’re now in a digital age, you should choose a small accounting firm that knows how to leverage the use of technology efficiently. This will go a long way in improving your business operations too.
  4. Responsiveness: How quickly is the accounting firm able to resolve the complaints, requests of their existing clients?


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