How To Check ICAN Result

how to check ican result

It is generally known that preparing for ICAN examination is one of the most time consuming, and energy-sapping things one would ever do in life. In fact, I know how stressed one can be when studying for ICAN examinations (because I’ve been through it as well). So for someone who has burnt the midnight lamps (we don’t make use of candles anymore) to study for ICAN examination, checking your result shouldn’t be another bundle of stress for you.

For everyone who has ever sat for any exams, we all know the eerie feeling that comes along with checking results. Most ICAN students literally become jitterbugs whenever ICAN results get released by the Institute. But do not fret, for your sake I have compiled easy steps for you to check your ICAN result.

However, it is equally important that we know that for professional students, ICAN converted from old to the new syllabus and that ICAN professional exams will henceforth, be taking place three times in a year (March, July, and November). Another significant improvement is that ICAN also changed its marking method to on-screen marking, this improvement would shorten the time required to release ICAN results to 3 or 4 weeks after exams as stated by ICAN itself.

Regardless of whether you are an ATSWA or Professional student: There are two basic methods for checking ICAN results; you can check via the general list (PDF) released by ICAN or check via the official website of ICAN. However, it is safe to know that the general list is usually released before ICAN website is updated with the result. But regardless of your most preferred choice of method, both methods will give the same result (no pun intended)

Read on to find out how you can check your results.

Checking through the General list

The general pass list, in most cases, is usually released by ICAN a few hours before the website is updated with the pass list. This list is usually pasted at the notice board of ICAN secretariat Plot 16, Idowu Taylor Street, Victoria Island, Lagos and it is also released in PDF form and sent to various tuition houses by ICAN.

Checking for one’s name may appear cumbersome if you are checking via the PDF list but you can easily do this in following few steps

  1. Download the PDF list
  2. Open the PDF file with your PDF reader, WPS office or Microsoft Word
  3. Select the search button, and input your examination number or name
  4. Your examination number or name will be highlighted in each of the Subject’s Pass list or Overall Pass List as the case may be.

Checking your result through ICAN website

Checking your ICAN result can be done with ease by performing the following simple steps:

  1. Visit ICAN website by clicking here. For professional students, you can directly click on this link while ATSWA result can click here to directly transport you to the page
  2. Proceed to the student’s page through the menu
  3. Click on check Professional Results
  4. Select Examination Level (March, July or November)
  5. Select examination Level
  6. Input your student examination number
  7. Input Student Registration Number (a six digits registration number e.g. 054532, 004562. Prefix Number part with zero(s) to make up six digits)
  8. Enter your latest Exam Registration E-Voucher 12 Digits PIN

Adhering to the above steps would guide you towards checking your result without hassle. We wish you the best as you check your ICAN result, and Congratulations in advance.

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