ICAN Pathfinder: ICAN Past Question For All Levels

ican pathfinder

Preparing for ICAN exams can be very dreadful especially if it is your first time and you don’t know what to look forward to in the exam. If not properly put in check, this dread can have an adverse effect on your performance when it’s time to write the exams.


This is why it is necessary to familiarize yourself beforehand with ICAN past questions no matter the level of ICAN exam you are writing, and these past questions can be found in ICAN Pathfinder.


These ICAN past questions can be found on the website of the Institute, however, I will be providing you with direct links to these materials right in this article. These materials are available in .pdf format.


Before we proceed any further, know that there is really no difference between ICAN Insights and ICAN pathfinder beyond the simple fact that one the former is past questions for the ATS scheme of ICAN while the latter represents past questions for the professional level.

  1. ICAN Pathfinders – Foundation Level

Foundation November 2019

Foundation May 2019

Foundation November 2018

Foundation May 2018 

Foundation November 2017

Foundation May 2017

Foundation November 2016

Foundation May 2016

Foundation November 2015

Foundation May 2015

Foundation November 2014


  1. ICAN Pathfinders – Skills Level

Skills November 2019

Skills May 2019

Skills November 2018

Skills May 2018 

Skills November 2017

Skills May 2017

Skills November 2016

Skills May 2016

Skills November 2015

Skills May 2015

Skills November 2014


  1. ICAN Pathfinders – Professional Level

Professional November 2019

Professional May 2019

Professional November 2018

Professional May 2018 

Professional November 2017

Professional May 2017

Professional November 2016

Professional May 2016

Professional November 2015

Professional May 2015

Professional November 2014


Know that the ICAN pathfinder should not be taken as the main study material, rather it should be used to complement the ICAN study packs availed to you by the institute.


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